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As you can probably tell, I am fooling with the WordPress app for android. It is actually working pretty well–better than when I tried it on my ipod touch. My only complaint is that I haven’t found a way to put pictures anywhere other than at the top of my post. I can live with that.

We walked to the multi-use park down the street from the Mister’s apartment yesterday. It had a nice two mile track that we walked and featured soccer fields, playgrounds and an off leash area for dogs. All of the playground equipment came with its own shade–very necessary here.

We stopped at U-Swirl after and I fell in love with the strawberry and lychee pearls. So Yum! I also found a Trader Joes which has so many of the foods I miss when I am here. Cheese, fresh fruit and veggies, less chemicals.

Our only plan for today is to hit up a local sushi happy hour for birthday sushi goodness. I am sad that I am heading home tomorrow and somewhat apprehensive relying on public transportation to get me to the airport, but glad that the Mister will be joining me in New Orleans for ALA.